One of the most commonly asked questions by patients about Shingles is can shingles spread quickly? The short answer to that question actually depends on which virus is causing your condition. The answer will also largely depend on how fast your immune system clears up and progress with treatment as well. It’s also important to note that some people are more susceptible to the condition than others are. If you’ve recently been treated for Shingles in any of its various forms, the faster your body’s healing process is, the less likely you are to develop other complications from your initial treatment.
Shingles itself is caused by the same virus causing chickenpox: the varicella-zoster virus. Like most chickenpox-related illnesses, a person can develop shingles if they have had exposure to the varicella-zoster virus during an outbreak. This usually happens after the virus has been dormant for over twelve days.
There are several types of shingles that can affect people. The different types of shingles vary by the location and severity of outbreaks experienced. The two major types of shingles are Varicella zoster and Herpeticilla purpurea. There are also subtypes of these two viruses, including Leber’s syndrome, Pfeil fever, and occasionally mononucleosis. The virus causing shingles spreads through the skin, typically occurring in the form of red rashes that look like patches.
Since the virus causing this condition is viral in nature, it is considered to be a potentially serious illness that requires prompt medical attention. Though there is no specific cure for shingles, there are treatments available to help relieve symptoms and prevent complications from occurring. If left untreated, symptoms may continue for weeks or even months.
Because the virus is viral, treatment often involves several components. These include: avoiding contact with the rash, which will reduce the chances of secondary infections; preventing fluid buildup in the affected area, which will prevent the virus from spreading into the body; and taking medication to help suppress the immune system so the body can more easily fight off the virus. Though these medications can be expensive and often prescribed by a doctor, they are usually effective and can greatly reduce the risk of outbreaks.
Shingles are caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox. They are not contagious to people, but can be transferred to others via the sweat, saliva and other secretions of the body. This makes shingles a very annoying condition, which many sufferers take as a personal matter. Though it can be painful, it is rarely dangerous. The majority of cases end up clearing up on their own without any serious complications.
People who suffer from this condition experience redness and blisters, which are sometimes painful. The blisters are often itchy and may feel like a burning sensation when touched. If an outbreak is caught early enough, the chances of full recovery are great.
The real question is, can shingles spread? If a person has an active case, then it is possible. But, generally, the only way to transmit the virus is through skin-to-skin contact. It is impossible to get from one person to another. Shingles outbreaks are extremely contagious, but they are also easily preventable with proper treatment.
People who have had outbreaks before are at a higher risk of having an outbreak again. They also stand a greater chance of developing the virus, even if they don’t have symptoms. The virus can be transferred from one person to another through direct contact or through indirect contact, such as touching an object contaminated with the virus. However, the virus stays in the body after the initial infection, so transmission through intercourse is not common. It’s also impossible to make the body immune to the virus once it has been contracted.
The symptoms do include redness and swelling of the skin, painful blisters, and fever. People with existing symptoms can experience them even without having the disease. So, can shingles spread very quickly? No. There is typically a 24 hour period in which symptoms occur, and if symptoms don’t clear up during that time, treatment is recommended.
Can the virus also be passed on by sexual activity? Yes, it is possible to pass it on. However, the chances are low. The virus can live up to three days in the body without causing any problems, so it won’t take much time to develop. But it is a possibility, and you should check with your doctor to confirm.